NOTE: If these options didn't work, please create a support post on our Technical Support (FL Studio & Plugins) forum.
Audio interface drivers - If you have two drivers installed for the same interface (USB and Thunderbolt for example) this can cause conflicts and prevent FL Studio from starting. Overclocking can lead to, random, incorrect calculations / execution of instructions on the CPU that causes FL Studio to fail to start. If you computer is overclocked - Try returning to default settings. MSI and ASUS Motherboards - Check if you have the Nahimic (MSI) or Sonic Studio III (ASUS) audio software installed. Try manually installing the Shared program files. Kill / force-quit the process called ' tccd' macOS - Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor. Users/(Your Username)/Documents/Image-Line/FL Studio/Settings/Note color presets/Auto saved.ncp" macOS - Delete the Auto saved.ncp file from the location: ". Open Systemsettings > Security&Privacy > Privacy > Files and Documents > FL Studio and set a mark at ' Documents Folder' macOS - The User data folder (in your Documents folder) requires write permissions to be set. Deactivate it or add FL Studio to the 'Allowed applications' list. Windows 10 - Controlled Folder Access is activated and this is preventing FL Studio accessing the User data folder. \Users\\Documents\Image-Line\. To reset the location Open the FILE Settings and under the User data folder section click the button in-front of the folder icon. Windows - If the User data folder is set to a location inside Program Files, Windows may prevent FL Studio access and so FL Studio will fail to start. Reset the the User data folder to the default location. Restart your computer and try a Clean Installation of FL Studio using the latest release. If this is the cause Whitelist FL Studio.
Disable all anti-virus programs and try again.
Restart your computer and try to open FL Studio again. You don't need to complete all steps, just try items until FL Studio opens. If FL Studio does not seem to respond or open when trying to launch it please work through the following list, in this order. FL Studio does not start, it doesn't open.